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Portable Sand Blasting Machine in Jaipur

The Portable Sand Blasting Machine is a high production system designed for the blasting purpose with the use of a wide range of abrasive media. It also have moveable wheels and handle so that we can move our machine at any job site.

Portable Sand Blasting Machine in Jaipur
Product Details:
₹1 Lakh - 4 Lakh

‘’T’’ JOINT 1






P7150 5 4 38 15
P7300 6 7 68 20
P7500 8 12 113 25-30
P71000 10 21 217 40-50

  • During construction projects, shot blasting is also used to clean the outer walls, roads, and floors.
  • Shot blasting is often used to clean tanks and pipes underwater before coating or recoating them to stop corrosion.
  • ShipYard and ShipBuilding.
  • aircraft maintenance and aerospace.
  • Foundry for iron, steel, and other metals.
  • The casting of aluminum.
  • Forgings.
  • Rail.
  • Foundries.
  • fabrication of steel.
  • Car and bus murals.
  • Wheel cleaning for alloys.


Portable Sand Blasting Machine is a movable blasting machine in which an operation of blasting is done by forcibly propelling a stream of an abrasive shot against the rough surface.

In Portable Sand Blasting Machine Garnet sand or silica sand is the most commonly used abrasives but they use to create dust or lung disease so to prevent these types of problems copper slag, steel grit, baking soda, glass beads are used in the place of garnet sand.

 Ø Parts of Portable Sand Blasting Machine :

    1.     Inlet

    2.     Ball valve

    3.     Non-return valve(NRV)

    4.     Air Filter

    5.     remote

    6.     Pressure tank

    7.     Pressure gauge

    8.     Pinch valve

    9.     Mixing tube

   10.    Release valve

   11.       Wheel

   12.         Safety equipment

 1. inlet

 Inlet has connected the hose collector through which compressed air comes into the hose and then compressed air moves forward. 

2.     Ball valve:

The ball valve is a valve that allows compressed air to move forward. When the ball valve is open compressed air moves forward


In NRV media can only flow in one direction. Mainly these valves have two openings, one for media to enter and another one for media to leave and they work automatically.

4.     Air Filter:

An air filter is used to remove moisture from the air. When air passes through the filter it will remove all the moisture from the air and moisture free air will move forward.

5.     Remote:

Remote is used to start or shut down the machine. The remote control contains a (remote control valve) RCV valve and (dead manhandle) DMH and they are connected to the hose. RCV controls the pressurized air when DMH is press machine will start and shut down and when the machine will shut down it will release the residual pressure and there is no need of two operators.

6.     Pressure tank:

The pressure tank contains the abrasive and air and passes it to the pinch valve for blasting.

7.     Pressure gauge:

A pressure gauge is a pressure measuring device which is used to measure the pressure inside the pressure tank. The pressure gauge measures the pressure kg/cm2. 

8.     Pinch valve:

The pinch valve is connected to the mixing tube and it will release the air and abrasive into the mixing tube. 

9.     Mixing tube:

The mixing tube will mix the air and abrasive than pass it to the blasting nozzle after that blasting will do.

1O.    Release valve:

The release valve is used to release the residual pressure inside the tank after that machine will get shut down.

11.      Wheels:

Wheels are used for the rotation and movement of the machine. With the help of wheels, we can move our machine at any job location.

12.      Safety equipment:

Safety equipment is provided as per customer demand in safety equipment’s mainly contain:

ü Operator suit

ü Helmet

ü Hand gloves

ü Gumboots

ü Air conditioners in helmet

Ø Key parts :

i.Mushroom valve

ii.  Blasting hose

iii.   Nozzle and nozzle holder


i.      Mushroom valve:

The mushroom valve is also known as a pop up the valve. The mushroom valve responds when pressure is put inside the pressure tank and after that, it will seal the tank so that blasting pressure gets an increase.

ii.  Blasting hose :

Blasting nose is made of rubber and they use to carry abrasive media at high pressure. The level of strength is high so that it can satisfy our need for blasting.

iii.   Nozzle and Nozzle holder:

Nozzle use to increase the flow of abrasive media so that blasting will be done more accurately. They are connected at the end of the hose and pipes.

Ø  Portable Sand Blasting Machines are divided into two parts:

1.     Portable Sand Blasting Machine Without Remote

2.     Portable Sand Blasting Machine With Remote

1.     Portable Sand Blasting Machine Without Remote:

 These machine does not contain any remote and they controlled manually with the help of an extra operator. The cost of this machine is low and they are provided as per customer demand.

Ø Working of Portable Sand Blasting Machine with Remote:

Portable Sand Blasting The machine mainly works on the pressure blasting principle. Working contains a few steps which are:

STEP1: when the machine is at rest abrasive media are filled at the top of the machine. Then sieve will sieve the media so that only fine media will enter inside the pressure pot.

STEP2: Compressed air comes inside the hose through the compressor then it will pass through the air filter. The air filter will remove all the moisture inside the air and pass the air forward inside the blasting chamber.

STEP3:  mushroom valve is in the open position so that abrasive will transfer in blast generator for blasting after that pressurized air enters inside the chamber and the mushroom valve gets close.

STEP4: now the tank will get pressurized and abrasive and pressurized air will pass to the mixing tube.

STEP5: mixing tube will mix the air and media and pass it to the blasting hose and then media and pressure will come out through the blasting nozzle with high speed and blasting will be done.

STEP6: when blasting is done another operator will open the release valve so that residual pressure gets released and the machine gets to switch off.  It is controlled by without remote.

Ø Advantages of the portable sandblasting machine without remote:

ü Cost is less

ü High productivity

ü Easy to operate

ü Cleaning process is quick

Ø Disadvantage of the portable sandblasting machine without remote

ü  noise and dust level is high

ü Two operators are require

2.     Portable Sand Blasting Machine With Remote:

Portable Sand Blasting Machine with a remote is operated with the help of a remote so that there is no need for another operator.

Ø Working of portable Sand Blasting Machine With Remote:

The working of this machine is the same as the Portable Sand Blasting Machine without a remote. The only difference is remote. When the machine is operated with a remote there is no need of another operator for shutting down the machine.it will be done by the remote. Mainly remote contain a dead man handle which on & off the machine as per instructions. The use of remote eliminates the requirement of another operator and the machine to become easier to operate.

Ø Advantages of portable Sand Blasting Machine With Remote:

ü Easy to operate

ü No requirement of two operator

ü Save time

ü Cleaning rate is high

Ø Disadvantage of portable Sand Blasting Machine With Remote:

ü Cost is high

ü Noise production is high

ü Installation is tough

Blast Rooms is the manufacturer and supplier of Portable Sand Blasting Machine With &Without Remote, Sand Blasting Machine, Grit Blasting Machine, Thermal Spray Gun, and Abrasive Media. Our company is dedicated to our customer satisfaction and to supply the best quality machine on time. 


















Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):


Sand blasting machine prices vary according to the cleaning rate and storage capacity. Sand blasting machines are available in many sizes as per the requirement. 


Sand blasting is a surface cleaning process. With the help of a sand blasting machine rust, and foreign particles remove easily. Sand blasting machine in India is available both in automatic and manual types.


Sand blasting is easy to perform. While blasting it is necessary to wear operator safety wears so it will protect the operator from hazards. A portable sand blasting machine is used in an open area for large size of components. A portable sand blasting machine in India is a manual and semi-automatic type. Airless sand blasting machines are automatic and manual type as well.


Sand blasting machine in India is available in many sizes. The weight of the sand blasting machine varies according to the size of the storage capacity tank. As the size of the capacity tank varies, sand blasting machine prices also vary.


Sand blasting is a process of removing rust, old paint, burrs, and other impurities from the component surfaces. Sand blasting has a wide range of applications in many areas like wood, glass, steel, plastic, shipbuilding industries, on buildings, medical equipment, etc. Sand blasting machine in India also rough the smooth surface according to the application area.


Sand blasting machine uses in various areas such as:-

  • Railway coaches
  • Handicrafts and wood
  • Steel pipes
  • Stones, Marbles, Granites
  • Transformers and Tanks
  • Military
  • Shipyards
  • Bridges
  • Turbines
  • Vehicle bodies, Automobiles, Turbocharges
  • Windmill
  • Casting, and forging


An Air compressor is required for a sand blasting machine process. For an airless sand blasting machine, an electric wheel is used. Sand blasting machine in India is available in many varieties as per the requirement of the customers.


For a sand blasting machine process minimum of 100 PSI air compressor is required. If work with a lower PSI cleaning rate of sand blasting machine in India is decreasing.


Sand blasting machine in India gives surfaces a slightly textured profile. Sand blasting machine does not damage the component. Instead, sand blasting makes the component surface better so that thermal spray coating binds easily.


In sand blasting most commonly used sand is white silica sand. Other blasting media such as aluminum oxide, glass beads, walnut shell, silicon carbide, etc are used in a sand blasting machine in India. Sand blasting machine price in India also vary as per the storage capacity of the tank.
