Home » Shot Blasting Machine in Kuwait

Shot Blasting Machine in Kuwait

The Shot Blasting Machine uses a method call propelling abrasive media with the help of a radial wheel to remove the damage or contaminants from the surface of metal and steel. The Shot Blasting Machine basically cleans and removes the loose scales from the surface of metal and steel. With the help of this machine, we can also clean the rough surface edges of automobile parts that have uneven or sharp surfaces.

Shot Blasting Machine in Kuwait
Product Details:
₹1 Lakh - 4 Lakh

Machine Type Shot Blasting Machine
Automatic Grade Automatic, Semi-Automatic
Weight 1000 kg
Volume 284 liters
Compressed Air Requirement 250 cfm
Height 1610 mm
Orifice 10 mm
Abrasive Size 12-80 mm

  • During construction projects, shot blasting is also used to clean the outer walls, roads, and floors.
  • Shot blasting is often used to clean tanks and pipes underwater before coating or recoating them to stop corrosion.
  • ShipYard and ShipBuilding.
  • aircraft maintenance and aerospace.
  • Foundry for iron, steel, and other metals.
  • The casting of aluminum.
  • Forgings.
  • Rail.
  • Foundries.
  • fabrication of steel.
  • Car and bus murals.
  • Wheel cleaning for alloys.

Shot Blasting Machine is used as a mechanical method for the surface treatment by using an abrasive with the help of a centrifugal wheel at high speed to obtain excellent surface and remove impurities for secondary operations.

Shot blasting is used for the following main purposes:

  • It provides a better texture to enhance paint adhesion.
  • It increases the coating life of a machine by reducing its maintenance cost.
  • For cleaning and preparing the surface before painting, coating, metalworking.
  • It also used for making non-slipping surfaces and providing surface homogenization.
  • Shot blasting is done after heat treatment and also for mechanic descaling.

The shot blasting is done in two ways:

  • Wheel blasting: It is a common and economical method. In this process, the electric motor energy is converted into kinetic energy by rotating a turbine wheel. This is mostly used for treating heavy equipment. The turbine wheel works here as a centrifugal pump and it delivers the abrasive by centrifugal force on the surface.
  • Air blasting: In this method compressed is used and sprayed out through nozzles on the surface.  This is mostly used for smaller equipment.  Air blasting is comparatively expensive due to the use of steel frames and weldments.

After the cycle of shot blasting, shots are taken out by the air washing measure. The shot blasting machine works on the shot movement of a grating on the metal surface to improve surface completion. Thus, this mechanical technique relies upon the grating. For this, generally metal abrasive should be utilized.

Metal abrasives can provide the following benefits

  • They can increase productivity by reducing maintenance costs.
  • Waste generation can be reduced to get better quality of work.
  • They cause less environmental pollution and also there is no risk to the operator’s health by using metal abrasive.

The main components of the shot blasting are:

Blast wheel: The efficiency of the shot blasting machine depends on the quality of wheels used. So one used to use a better quality of the wheel.

Cabinet: Cabinet consists of dust and abrasive. The shot blasting cabinet is made up of steel material to secure strength. A dust collector is mounted on the machine to prevent dust from entering the shop environment.

Work handling mechanism: The handling of parts depends on the quantity of the parts. Tumblast Shot Blasting Machines are used for large quantities and spinner hangers are used for heavier parts.

Elevator: After the metallic shots hit the surface they fall into the hopper under the machine from which the elevator carries them to the separator at the upper part of the machine.

Separator: The separator, separates contaminates, and the cleaned abrasive is fed into the shot turbine.

Dust collector: A dust collector system is used to release clean air. A properly designed and sized dust collector is preferred for shot blasting machines.

Control and instrumentation: The starting and stopping of all operations depend on the controls and instrumentation features of the shot blasting machines.

The shot blasting machine is mostly used in chemical industries, petroleum industries, Aerospace, Automobile industry, Heavy engineering industry, Railways, Defence.

We are a leading Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of different kinds of Sand Blasting machines and blasting equipment, Shot Blasting Machines, Sand Blasting Cabinet, Shot Blasting Cabinet, pressure blasting cabinet, Shot Blasting Room, Automatic Sand Blasting Machine, thermal spray gun, Metalizing Gun in India at a low price for Sale.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):


Shot blasting machine prices vary according to the cleaning rate and storage capacity. Shot blasting machines are available in many sizes as per the requirement. 


In shot blasting most commonly used shot is steel shots. Other blasting media such as cut wire shots, low carbon cut wire shots, glass beads, MS cut wire shots, etc are used in a sand blasting machine in India. Shot blasting machine price in India also vary as per the storage capacity of the tank. Steel shots are reuseable and expensive.


Shot blasting machine in India gives surfaces a slightly textured profile. The shot blasting machine does not damage the component. Instead, shot blasting makes the component surface better so that thermal spray coating binds easily.


For a shot blasting machine process minimum of 100 PSI air compressor is required. If work with a lower PSI cleaning rate of shot blasting machine in India is decreasing. For the shot blasting process, mostly airless shot blasting machine is used.


An Air compressor is required for a shot blasting machine process. For an airless shot blasting machine, an electric wheel is used. Shot blasting machine in India is available in many varieties as per the requirement of the customers.


  • Railway coaches
  • Handicrafts and wood
  • Steel pipes
  • Stones, Marbles, Granites
  • Military
  • Shipyards
  • Bridges
  • Turbines
  • Vehicle bodies, Automobiles, Turbocharges
  • Windmill
  • Casting, and forging


Shot blasting is a surface cleaning process. With the help of a shot blasting machine rust, and foreign particles remove easily. Shot blasting machine in India is available both in automatic and manual types.


Shot blasting is easy to perform. While blasting it is necessary to wear operator safety wears so it will protect the operator from hazards. A portable shot blasting machine is used in an open area for large size of components. A portable shot blasting machine in India is a manual and semi-automatic type. Airless shot blasting machines are automatic and manual type as well.


Shot blasting machine in India is available in many sizes. The weight of the shot blasting machine varies according to the size of the storage capacity tank. As the size of the capacity tank varies, shot blasting machine prices also vary.


Sand blasting is a process of removing rust, old paint, burrs, and other impurities from the component surfaces. Sand blasting has a wide range of applications in many areas like wood, glass, steel, plastic, shipbuilding industries, on buildings, medical equipment, etc. Sand blasting machine in India also rough the smooth surface according to the application area.
